Citizens’ Climate Education

Citizens’ Climate Education has the mission to  empower individuals to educate elected officials, community leaders, and the general public about climate change and climate change solutions.

Citizens’ Climate Education’s approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions, including the Santa Clarita Valley. Citizens’ Climate Education builds upon shared values and empowers their supporters to work in keeping with the concerns of their local communities, so that the adoption of fair, effective, and sustainable climate change solutions is effectively work toward.

Education Foundation for Climate Action

Citizens Climate Education has a branch right here in the Santa Clarita Valley, which makes it possible for citizens to receive important information about climate change in order to help influence the political and the business leaders to make a change for the better. Protecting the environment is a job for everyone, so at Citizens’ Climate Education, people around the world are empowered in order to reach out to their local politicians and business leaders to make the changes necessary to keep our planet healthy for generations to come. Citizens Climate Education is always working to keep informing more and more people about the growing climate concerns one conference and letter to congress at a time.

Click here to see an alphabetical list of 2018 Home and Garden Show Exhibitors

Citizens’ Climate Education helps bring environmental awareness to citizens across the globe, as well as the Santa Clarita Valley. Citizens’ Climate Education is always proposing new solutions to help protect the environment. The Industrial Revolution had involved the burning of fossil fuels and had led to the increase of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere. For many decades, we enjoyed the benefits of such fuels without realizing that the increased atmospheric carbon was trapping heat and hastening global climate change. We now understand that climate change carries potentially catastrophic health, environmental, and economic costs. Unfortunately, there is no financial penalty for adding to the carbon pollution that drives climate change. The true costs of fossil fuels will be hidden as long as carbon pollution remains free and it appears cheaper than low-carbon alternatives.

Taking care of our environment and working to protect the natural world from the damage that can be done by businesses and by government is the top priority for Citizens’ Climate Education.

For more information about Citizens’ Climate Education click here

Citizens’ Climate Education
1330 Orange Ave #309
Coronado CA

Phone: 619-437-7142

Citizens’ Climate Education

2018 Home and Garden Show / 2018 KHTS Home and Garden Show / California Home and Garden  / California Home and Garden Shows / Home and Garden Show / Home and Garden Shows / KHTS Home and Garden Show / Santa Clarita Events / Santa Clarita Home and Garden Show / Citizens’ Climate Education / Environmental Services /

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