City of Santa Clarita/Emergency Services

Santa Clarita Emergency Services

With the numerous amount of different natural disasters or other dangerous events that could transpire, the city of Santa Clarita has taken the reigns in organizing a number of different services to stand throughout the city to help assist the current services in the area now. Whether it is to alert the city of a fire, road collision, or any other crucial report, all of the forces within the city’s Emergency Services team will do all that they can to not only spread the word, but also physically help anyone in need of assistance.

As a strongly successful tactic in informing residents to emergencies, the emergency messaging and notifications system has proven to be quite successful and helpful. In being one of the vital duties of the city’s Emergency Services, it is of the utmost importance to inform as many residents as possible of certain events and emergencies. Subscribing to either emails or text messages, a simple sign-up into the specified Nixle community can inform more people much quicker, which, depending on the gravity of the emergency information, can result in many saved lives.

Emergency Management in Santa Clarita

While this is a very helpful tool in reporting Santa Clarita events, all users of the messaging alert program will also receive alerts from the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff Station, the Los Angeles County Sheriff Headquarters Newsroom, and the Los Angeles County Office of Emergency Management. The city urges all residents to sign up as there is never any spam sent and there are no costs to the alert system, though standard text messaging rates do apply.

Another level of the city’s Emergency Management services include the Santa Clarita Emergency Communications Team. Made up of licensed volunteer radio operators, the team offers their equipment, time, and abilities in helping relay information and supply emergency communications to the city.

Safety in Santa Clarita

Yet another piece of Santa Clarita’s Emergency Services include the CERT Program, or the Community Emergency Response Training. The program informs schools, families, businesses, and so on of the basic emergency skills. Taught by emergency responders and emergency trained volunteers, participants learn about the proper know-how in responding to floods, fires, and earthquakes and are left knowledgeable about these emergency possibilities, but are also prepared for them.      

As a service which will always provide help and information, the Emergency Services provided by Santa Clarita will continue to do as much as possible to provide help and information for residents.

For more information about the City of Santa Clarita/Emergency Services click here

City of Santa Clarita/Emergency Services
Email: [email protected]

We hope you can join us on April 29th and 30th, 2017 at one of the largest California Home and Garden Shows right here in Santa Clarita!

City of Santa Clarita/Emergency Services – Santa Clarita, CA

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