Should You Consider Getting A New Roof?

Roofs are so underrated. Your roof is one of the most important parts of your house and yet, oftentimes, it is also the part that gets neglected the most.

That is why we have compiled some of the questions you need to ask yourself to help you evaluate if it’s time for your house to get a new roof, or if it still doing its job effectively and efficiently.

Continue reading and decide whether it is time to give your roof the lovely makeover it truly deserves!

Question No. 1: Are All Your Roof Shingles Still Intact?

 In case of missing or deformed shingles, you will need to examine the extent of the damage as soon as possible. This question will go straight to the heart of the issue by appraising you on how urgently you need to get your roof fixed.

The rule of thumb is: The more damaged or missing roof shingles there are, the more pressing the need to repair (or even replace) your roof is.

Get a reliable and professional opinion right away once you notice that some of the shingles on your roof are damaged. Do not wait for a hurricane or a heavy snowfall to cause more damage to your roof before getting a new roof, because it may cost you more money than is necessary.

Question No. 2: Are There Water Stains On The Ceiling?

 The kinds of stain you should watch out for are those brownish or yellowish stains which accumulate on your ceiling or in the attic. This tends to be strong evidence that your roof is suffering from leakage or damage.

If these stains appear, your roof most likely has a hole near that spot. If possible, home roof repair is the first thing you should consider. If the roof is salvageable, a roof repair is the way to go.

On the other hand, if the roof has been severely damaged and the leak cannot be addressed in any other way, the best thing to do is to have it the whole roof replaced.

 Question No. 3: How Old Is Your Roof?

 Experts suggest that every homeowner should change their roof once every 20 years. This estimation is the typical lifespan of a roof. Most houses with old roofs tend to have lots of leaks, stains and damaged shingles. The wear and tear of time can take a toll even on the strongest roof.

If you want a reliable professional opinion regarding your roof, ask your friends and relatives for recommendations. If you do not know anyone who is an expert in matters such as this, consider getting a survey or opinion from your local roof services provider.

 Question No. 4: Has It Been Exposed To Extreme Weather Conditions?

 Add to the normal wear-and-tear of roofs, you should also consider natural factors such as extreme weather conditions. A heavy snowfall can adversely affect the roof as much as a strong tornado can damage the shingles.

Earthquakes, too, have negative effects on the strength of your roof as well as to the other parts of the house. After every calamity or extreme weather event, be sure to check all parts of your house for potential hazards.

Should You Consider Getting A New Roof?

New Roof / Roofs / Shingles / Roof Shingles / Roofer / Water Stains / Ceiling / Missing Shingles / Deformed Shingles

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